We understand that achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is a complex and unique process for each individual. At Ivana MD, we offer comprehensive, personalized, medically-supervised weight loss programs designed to help you reach your goals safely and sustainably.

Medical weight loss doctor near me
Medical Evaluation/ Assessments
Evaluating you for weight loss requires a thorough history and physical examination. We obtain labs to ensure there is no physiologic cause of weight gain.
Customized Meal Plans
The number of calories we eat and drink has a direct impact on your weight. There is a lot research on foods and diet patterns that protect against heart disease, stroke, and other chronic conditions. There is growing evidence that specific food choices may help with weight control. Whole grains-whole wheat, brown rice and barley are foods that are high in fiber and fiber slows digestion and helps curb hunger. Fruits and vegetables are also high in water, which may help people feel fuller on fewer calories. Whether you are aiming to shed some pounds or simply want to improve your eating habits, our plans are healthful food choices that can be sustained long term.
Behavioral Counseling
Changing eating and exercise habits through behavioral counseling is a key factor in weight loss success. This method is based on the notion that specific interventions can modify unhealthy behaviors. Knowing your why is crucial in keeping your weight off. Behavioral counseling is typically utilized alongside diet modifications and physical activity.
Physical Activity Recommendations
Incorporating regular physical activity into your daily routine is absolutely vital for boosting weight loss and overall health. The recommended weekly exercise amount may vary depending on factors such as age and specific considerations. Always remember, even a small amount of physical activity is far superior to a sedentary lifestyle.
Need a little boost in your weight loss efforts? Pharmacotherapy could be the answer! Our prescribed medications are designed to support your weight loss treatment and help you reach your goals. If you are looking for additional assistance, we offer a variety of medications that can provide the help you need.
Medical monitoring
When you have a trained physician overseeing your weight loss journey, you gain access to a one-of-a-kind program that is customized to meet your specific goals. By closely monitoring your progress and adjusting the plan accordingly, you can experience a weight loss journey that is truly tailored to your needs.
Lifestyle education
Lifestyle education includes strategies for diet, exercise, and support to be successful. Our aim is to equip you with essential research, practical tools, and expert counseling techniques to support you throughout this transformative journey.
Surgical Intervention Referral
Surgery intervention includes bariatric surgery procedures such as gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric band and duodenal switch. If you are considering weight loss surgical intervention based on your body mass index, we can connect you with skilled physicians who specialize in this field.